
PhenX Protocols Imported by REDCap Institutes (545)

Protocol ID Protocol Name Count Institutes
10101 Current Age 125
10201 Birthplace 40
10301 Birthplace of Parents 15
10401 Birthplace of Grandparents 8
10502 Ethnicity 34
10602 Race 32
10701 Gender 30
10801 Current Address 15
10902 Current Marital Status 15
11001 Educational Attainment - Individual 28
11002 Educational Attainment - Individual 23
11101 Annual Family Income 12
11102 Annual Family Income 21
11201 Years Living in the U.S. 14
11301 Current Employment Status 62
11401 Household Roster-Relationships 1
11402 Household Roster-Relationships 26
11501 Health Insurance Coverage 1
11502 Health Insurance Coverage 47
11901 Ethnicity and Race 20
20101 Arm Span 1
20201 Birth Weight - Birth Weight Abstracted from Medical Records 5
20202 Birth Weight - Measured Weight at Birth 4
20203 Birth Weight - Proxy Reported Birth Weight 3
20301 Body Composition - Body Composition by Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry 1
20302 Body Composition - Body Composition by Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry 2
20401 Body Image 4
20501 Child Head Circumference 5
20601 Hand Dominance - 42 Months and Older 3
20602 Hand Dominance - 12 Years and Older 8
20701 Height - Knee Height 6
20702 Height - Recumbent Length 5
20703 Height - Standing Height 16
20704 Height - Self-Reported Height 9
20802 Hip Circumference - Hip Circumference 2
21001 Maximum Adult Weight 1
21101 Mid-Upper Arm Circumference 6
21301 Total Pregnancy Weight Gain - Self-Reported Weight Gain 1
21302 Total Pregnancy Weight Gain - Abstracted From Prenatal Charts 3
21401 Weight Loss/Gain 3
21501 Weight - Measured Weight 16
21502 Weight - Self-Reported Weight 13
21601 Waist Circumference - Waist Circumference NHANES 3
21602 Waist Circumference - Waist Circumference NCFS 1
21603 Waist Circumference - Framingham Heart Study 8
21701 Serial Pregnancy Weight - Weights Abstracted from Prenatal Charts 1
21702 Serial Pregnancy Weight - Weights Measured During Gestation 1
30101 Alcohol - Lifetime Use 31
30201 Alcohol - Age of First Use 1
30202 Alcohol - Age of First Use 31
30301 Alcohol - 30-Day Quantity and Frequency 61
30401 Alcohol - Maximum Drinks in 24 Hours 1
30402 Alcohol - Maximum Drinks in 24 Hours 31
30502 Alcohol - Lifetime Use Disorder 8
30601 Tobacco - Smoking Status - Adolescent 3
30603 Cigarette Smoking Status - Adolescent 10
30604 Cigarette Smoking Status - Adult 28
30701 Tobacco - Age of Initiation of Use - Adolescent 10
30702 Tobacco - Age of Initiation of Use - Adult 1
30703 Age of Initiation of First Cigarette Use - Adult 14
30801 Tobacco - 30-Day Quantity and Frequency - Adolescent 2
30802 Tobacco - 30-Day Quantity and Frequency - Adult 1
30803 Tobacco - 30-Day Quantity and Frequency - Adolescent 6
30804 Tobacco - 30-Day Quantity and Frequency - Adult 28
30902 Tobacco - Age of Offset of Cigarette Use - Adult 9
31001 Cigarette Nicotine Dependence 17
31102 Substances - Lifetime Use 29
31202 Substances - Age of First Use 19
31302 Substances - 30-Day Frequency 25
31402 Substances - Lifetime Abuse and Dependence 5
31501 Alcohol - Treatment for Alcohol Usage 1
40101 Family History of Heart Attack 2
40201 Lipid Profile 7
40301 Blood Pressure (Adult/Primary) 11
40601 Angina 12
41001 Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm 85
41101 Arrhythmia (Atrial and Ventricular) 3
41201 Deep Venous Thrombosis 3
41301 Pulmonary Embolism 2
50101 Breastfeeding 6
50201 Calcium Intake - Children 1
50202 Calcium Intake - Adults 5
50301 Caffeine Intake 13
50401 Dairy Food Intake (Daily Servings) 4
50501 Dietary Supplements Use 5
50601 Fiber Intake 8
50701 Fruits and Vegetables Intake 9
50801 Percent Energy from Fat 11
50901 Selenium 1
51001 Sugar Intake (Added) 4
51101 Vitamin D 2
51301 Iodine 1
51401 Sodium 3
60101 Characteristics of Current Residence 4
60301 Residential History 9
60401 Exposure at Work and in Daily Life 2
60501 Occupation/Occupational History 8
60601 Exposures from Hobbies 1
60701 Current Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure 2
60901 Day Care Attendance 1
61001 History of Being Breast-Fed - Adult 4
61101 Air Contaminants in the Home Environment 5
61201 Dust Collection - Vacuum Bag 1
61501 Personal Care Products 1
70101 Cumulative Lifetime Alcohol Exposure 4
70201 Cumulative Lifetime Physical Activity 4
70301 Passive Smoke Exposure 9
70601 Cancer: Personal and Family History 19
70701 Personal Perception and Knowledge of Smoking-related Cancer Risk 5
70801 Pre-existing Conditions Associated with Cancer 3
70901 Cancer Screenings 10
71001 Smoking Quit Attempts 7
71101 Cancer Treatments 17
71201 Medications (Current and Past Use of Pain Relievers, Statins, and Steroids) 5
80101 Breast or Bottle Feeding Patterns 4
80301 Dental Caries Experience - Prevalence 3
80501 Existence of Cleft Lip or Palate 1
80701 Malocclusion 2
80801 Number of Natural Teeth 1
81101 Periodontal Disease - Prevalence 3
81201 Presence of Dental Fluorosis 2
81401 Tobacco (non-cigarette) - Product Use 12
90201 Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) 3
90202 Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) 1
90301 Bronchodilator Responsiveness (BDR) 7
90401 Chest Computed Tomography (CT) 3
90601 Exercise Capacity/Six-Minute Walk Test 1
90602 Exercise Capacity/Six-Minute Walk Test 4
90901 Personal and Family History of Respiratory Symptoms/Diseases - Adult 5
91101 Pulse Oximetry (Rest) 1
91102 Pulse Oximetry (Rest) 1
91301 Quality of Life as Affected by Respiratory Disease 2
91501 Sleep Apnea - Adult 11
91601 Spirometry - Adult 10
91602 Spirometry - Child 1
100101 Assessment of Pubertal Development - Teenage Female 11
100102 Assessment of Pubertal Development - Teenage Male 13
100501 Female Reproductive Organ Surgical Procedures 1
100702 Hormonal Therapy 2
101001 Male Sexual Function 3
101101 Menstrual History 1
101301 Reproductive History - Female 4
110301 Dry Eye Syndrome 2
111001 Personal and Family History of Strabismus 1
111201 Visual Function 1
111401 Refractive Error - Adult 1
120201 Anxiety Disorders Screener - Child 1
120202 Anxiety Disorders Screener - Adult 1
120502 Depression - Adult 4
120602 Eating Disorder Screener for DSM-5 3
120901 Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders - Adult 9
120902 Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders - Adolescent 5
120903 Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders - Child 5
121001 Sleep Disorders Screener 8
121002 Sleep Disorders Screener - Children 7
121101 Personality Traits 13
121301 General Distress Screener 6
121501 Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms - Adult 12
121502 Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms - Child 6
121601 Psychopathy - Adult 5
121604 Lack of Prosocial Emotions - Children - Self-report Version 3
121605 Lack of Prosocial Emotions - Children - Teacher-report Version 2
121701 Depressive Symptoms - Adult 9
121702 Depressive Symptoms - Child 6
121703 Depressive Symptoms - Depression in Dementia 1
121704 Depressive Symptoms - Geriatric 8
121801 Anxiety Disorders Symptoms - Children - Parent Report 9
121802 Anxiety Disorders Symptoms - Children - Self-Report 1
122002 PTSD Symptoms, Self-report - DSM 5 2
130101 Parkinsonism Symptoms 1
130201 Neuropathy - Clinical Assessment 5
130202 Neuropathy - Autonomic Assessment - Adult 2
130301 History of Stroke - Ischemic Infarction and Hemorrhage 1
130401 Epilepsy Screener - Adult 2
130501 Migraine - Adult 3
130601 History of Head Trauma 15
130701 Global Mental Status Screener - Adult 39
130703 Global Mental Status Screener - Older Children and Adolescents 6
130802 Verbal Memory - Child 5
131201 Gross Motor Function - 2-4 Years Old 2
131202 Gross Motor Function - 4-6 Years Old 2
131203 Gross Motor Function - 6-12 Years Old 3
131801 Spatial Reasoning - Adolescents and Adults 2
131901 Parkinsons Disease Screener - Questionnaire 2
140101 Autoimmune Diseases Related to Type I Diabetes 1
140201 Family History of Diabetes 1
140301 Medication Inventory 33
140401 Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy 1
140501 Personal History of Type I and Type II Diabetes 1
140601 Personal History of Kidney Failure 2
140801 Fasting Plasma Glucose - Blood Draw 2
140901 Glycosylated Hemoglobin - Assay 1