
PhenX Protocols Imported by REDCap Institutes (492)

Protocol ID Protocol Name Count Institutes
10101 Current Age 95
10201 Birthplace 29
10301 Birthplace of Parents 11
10401 Birthplace of Grandparents 4
10502 Ethnicity 31
10602 Race 30
10701 Gender 30
10801 Current Address 12
10902 Current Marital Status 15
11001 Educational Attainment - Individual 28
11002 Educational Attainment - Individual 4
11101 Annual Family Income 12
11102 Annual Family Income 2
11201 Years Living in the U.S. 10
11301 Current Employment Status 48
11401 Household Roster-Relationships 1
11402 Household Roster-Relationships 21
11501 Health Insurance Coverage 1
11502 Health Insurance Coverage 31
11901 Ethnicity and Race 3
20101 Arm Span 1
20201 Birth Weight - Birth Weight Abstracted from Medical Records 5
20202 Birth Weight - Measured Weight at Birth 4
20203 Birth Weight - Proxy Reported Birth Weight 3
20301 Body Composition - Body Composition by Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry 1
20302 Body Composition - Body Composition by Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry 2
20501 Child Head Circumference 5
20601 Hand Dominance - 42 Months and Older 3
20602 Hand Dominance - 12 Years and Older 6
20701 Height - Knee Height 6
20702 Height - Recumbent Length 5
20703 Height - Standing Height 15
20704 Height - Self-Reported Height 10
20802 Hip Circumference - Hip Circumference 3
21101 Mid-Upper Arm Circumference 6
21301 Total Pregnancy Weight Gain - Self-Reported Weight Gain 1
21302 Total Pregnancy Weight Gain - Abstracted From Prenatal Charts 2
21401 Weight Loss/Gain 3
21501 Weight - Measured Weight 15
21502 Weight - Self-Reported Weight 14
21601 Waist Circumference - Waist Circumference NHANES 2
21602 Waist Circumference - Waist Circumference NCFS 1
21603 Waist Circumference - Framingham Heart Study 6
21702 Serial Pregnancy Weight - Weights Measured During Gestation 1
30101 Alcohol - Lifetime Use 21
30201 Alcohol - Age of First Use 1
30202 Alcohol - Age of First Use 19
30301 Alcohol - 30-Day Quantity and Frequency 45
30401 Alcohol - Maximum Drinks in 24 Hours 1
30402 Alcohol - Maximum Drinks in 24 Hours 18
30502 Alcohol - Lifetime Use Disorder 7
30601 Tobacco - Smoking Status - Adolescent 3
30602 Tobacco - Smoking Status - Adult 1
30603 Cigarette Smoking Status - Adolescent 6
30604 Cigarette Smoking Status - Adult 20
30701 Tobacco - Age of Initiation of Use - Adolescent 8
30702 Tobacco - Age of Initiation of Use - Adult 1
30703 Age of Initiation of First Cigarette Use - Adult 9
30801 Tobacco - 30-Day Quantity and Frequency - Adolescent 2
30802 Tobacco - 30-Day Quantity and Frequency - Adult 1
30803 Tobacco - 30-Day Quantity and Frequency - Adolescent 4
30804 Tobacco - 30-Day Quantity and Frequency - Adult 20
30902 Tobacco - Age of Offset of Cigarette Use - Adult 7
31001 Cigarette Nicotine Dependence 14
31102 Substances - Lifetime Use 18
31202 Substances - Age of First Use 14
31302 Substances - 30-Day Frequency 19
31402 Substances - Lifetime Abuse and Dependence 4
40101 Family History of Heart Attack 1
40201 Lipid Profile 5
40301 Blood Pressure (Adult/Primary) 10
40601 Angina 8
41001 Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm 57
41101 Arrhythmia (Atrial and Ventricular) 2
41201 Deep Venous Thrombosis 1
41301 Pulmonary Embolism 1
50101 Breastfeeding 6
50201 Calcium Intake - Children 1
50202 Calcium Intake - Adults 5
50301 Caffeine Intake 10
50401 Dairy Food Intake (Daily Servings) 4
50501 Dietary Supplements Use 3
50601 Fiber Intake 8
50701 Fruits and Vegetables Intake 9
50801 Percent Energy from Fat 11
50901 Selenium 1
51001 Sugar Intake (Added) 4
51101 Vitamin D 2
51301 Iodine 1
51401 Sodium 2
60101 Characteristics of Current Residence 3
60301 Residential History 10
60401 Exposure at Work and in Daily Life 2
60501 Occupation/Occupational History 5
60601 Exposures from Hobbies 1
60701 Current Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure 2
60901 Day Care Attendance 1
61001 History of Being Breast-Fed - Adult 4
61101 Air Contaminants in the Home Environment 4
61201 Dust Collection - Vacuum Bag 1
61501 Personal Care Products 1
70101 Cumulative Lifetime Alcohol Exposure 4
70201 Cumulative Lifetime Physical Activity 4
70301 Passive Smoke Exposure 9
70601 Cancer: Personal and Family History 16
70701 Personal Perception and Knowledge of Smoking-related Cancer Risk 5
70801 Pre-existing Conditions Associated with Cancer 3
70901 Cancer Screenings 9
71001 Smoking Quit Attempts 7
71101 Cancer Treatments 17
71201 Medications (Current and Past Use of Pain Relievers, Statins, and Steroids) 4
80101 Breast or Bottle Feeding Patterns 3
80301 Dental Caries Experience - Prevalence 3
80501 Existence of Cleft Lip or Palate 1
80701 Malocclusion 2
80801 Number of Natural Teeth 1
81101 Periodontal Disease - Prevalence 3
81201 Presence of Dental Fluorosis 2
81401 Tobacco (non-cigarette) - Product Use 12
90201 Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) 3
90301 Bronchodilator Responsiveness (BDR) 7
90401 Chest Computed Tomography (CT) 3
90601 Exercise Capacity/Six-Minute Walk Test 1
90602 Exercise Capacity/Six-Minute Walk Test 3
90801 Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) 1
90901 Personal and Family History of Respiratory Symptoms/Diseases - Adult 6
91101 Pulse Oximetry (Rest) 1
91102 Pulse Oximetry (Rest) 1
91301 Quality of Life as Affected by Respiratory Disease 2
91501 Sleep Apnea - Adult 5
91601 Spirometry - Adult 11
91602 Spirometry - Child 1
100101 Assessment of Pubertal Development - Teenage Female 9
100102 Assessment of Pubertal Development - Teenage Male 11
100501 Female Reproductive Organ Surgical Procedures 1
100702 Hormonal Therapy 2
101001 Male Sexual Function 3
101101 Menstrual History 1
101301 Reproductive History - Female 4
110301 Dry Eye Syndrome 2
111001 Personal and Family History of Strabismus 1
120201 Anxiety Disorders Screener - Child 1
120202 Anxiety Disorders Screener - Adult 1
120502 Depression - Adult 4
120602 Eating Disorder Screener for DSM-5 3
120901 Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders - Adult 9
120902 Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders - Adolescent 5
120903 Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders - Child 5
121001 Sleep Disorders Screener 5
121002 Sleep Disorders Screener - Children 6
121101 Personality Traits 11
121301 General Distress Screener 6
121501 Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms - Adult 11
121502 Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms - Child 5
121601 Psychopathy - Adult 4
121604 Lack of Prosocial Emotions - Children - Self-report Version 3
121605 Lack of Prosocial Emotions - Children - Teacher-report Version 2
121701 Depressive Symptoms - Adult 6
121702 Depressive Symptoms - Child 2
121703 Depressive Symptoms - Depression in Dementia 1
121704 Depressive Symptoms - Geriatric 2
121801 Anxiety Disorders Symptoms - Children - Parent Report 8
121802 Anxiety Disorders Symptoms - Children - Self-Report 1
122002 PTSD Symptoms, Self-report - DSM 5 1
130101 Parkinsonism Symptoms 1
130201 Neuropathy - Clinical Assessment 4
130202 Neuropathy - Autonomic Assessment - Adult 2
130301 History of Stroke - Ischemic Infarction and Hemorrhage 1
130401 Epilepsy Screener - Adult 2
130501 Migraine - Adult 2
130601 History of Head Trauma 8
130701 Global Mental Status Screener - Adult 26
130703 Global Mental Status Screener - Older Children and Adolescents 6
130802 Verbal Memory - Child 5
131201 Gross Motor Function - 2-4 Years Old 2
131202 Gross Motor Function - 4-6 Years Old 2
131203 Gross Motor Function - 6-12 Years Old 2
131801 Spatial Reasoning - Adolescents and Adults 2
131901 Parkinsons Disease Screener - Questionnaire 2
140101 Autoimmune Diseases Related to Type I Diabetes 1
140301 Medication Inventory 26
140501 Personal History of Type I and Type II Diabetes 1
140601 Personal History of Kidney Failure 2
140801 Fasting Plasma Glucose - Blood Draw 2
140901 Glycosylated Hemoglobin - Assay 1
141401 Serum Creatinine - Assay 3
141601 Urinary Creatinine - Assay 2
150101 Cardiorespiratory Fitness - Exercise Test Estimate - One Mile Walk 1
150302 Grip Strength 7
150402 Physical Activity Readiness 9
150501 Physical Functioning - Objective 2
150601 Sitting-Sedentary Behavior - Adult 16
150602 Sitting-Sedentary Behavior - Adolescent 4
150702 Total Physical Activity - Comprehensive - Adult 2
150703 Total Physical Activity - Comprehensive - Older Adult 2
150801 Total Physical Activity-Objective Measure 4
150901 Total Physical Activity Screener 24
151001 Walking-Ambulation Objective Measure 2
151101 Physical Functioning - Subjective 1
151201 Physical Activity - Neighborhood Environment 10
151302 Physical Activity Self-Efficacy - Adult 8
151303 Physical Activity Self-Efficacy - Adolescent 4
151401 Cardiorespiratory Fitness - Non-Exercise Test Estimate 3
160101 Chlamydia/Gonorrhea - Assay 4
160201 Cytokine Panel 12 - Assay 2
160301 Hepatitis C - Assay 2
160601 Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) Genotyping - Assay 1
160901 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) 3
161101 Injection Drug Use 2
161301 Medical History 23
161401 Personal and Family History of Autoimmune and Inflammatory Disorders 3
161602 Personal History of Allergies, Infectious Diseases, and Immunizations - Adult 7
170101 Alkaline Phosphatase 1
170201 Arthritis/Osteoarthritis 3
170301 Eczema 1
170601 Skin Cancer 3
170801 Balance 4
170901 Fracture History 1
171001 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 6
180101 Acculturation 7
180301 Current Quality of Life 5
180302 Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction - Adult 15
180303 Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction - Children 6
180401 Disinhibiting Behaviors - Impulsivity - Adolescent and Adult 18
180402 Disinhibiting Behaviors - Impulsivity - Child 5
180501 Emotional State - Adult 9
180502 Emotional State - Child 6
180601 General Self-Efficacy - Adult 7
180602 General Self-Efficacy - Child 3
180701 Perceived Social Support Conflict 12
180801 Perceived Stress 35
180901 Self-esteem 4
181001 Social Isolation 12
181201 Crime and Delinquency - Adolescent 1
181202 Crime and Delinquency - Adult 2
181301 Chronic Stress 3
181401 Exposures to Violence, Trauma, and Victimization - Adult 8
181402 Exposures to Violence, Trauma, and Victimization - Child 7
181501 Social Capital 3
190201 Assessment of Gallbladder Disease and Related Conditions 1
190401 Colorectal Procedures and Outcomes (Medical Record Review) 2
190501 Computed Tomography (CT) of the Abdominal Organs 4
190601 Emotional Distress 6
190801 Liver Function - Assay 3
190902 Adolescent Pediatric Pain Tool (APPT) 6
191001 Personal History of Gastrointestinal Conditions 1
191101 Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Symptoms 1
200101 Audiogram Hearing Test 2
200302 Early Childhood Speech and Language Assessment - Speech and Language Assessment Scale 2
210201 Child-Reported Parental Education Attainment 7
210302 Discrimination 34
210701 Healthy Food Environments 16
210801 Neighborhood Collective Efficacy - Community Cohesion and Informal Social Control 9
210901 Neighborhood Safety 10
211001 School Social Environment 1
211101 Social Networks 11
211302 Neighborhood Concentrated Disadvantage 4
211401 Race/Ethnic Residential Segregation 1
211402 Race/Ethnic Residential Segregation - U.S. Census 8
211403 Race/Ethnic Residential Segregation - American Community Survey 9
211501 Life Events - Child 9
220101 Ataxia Rating Scale 2
220501 Complete Blood Count (CBC) 6
220701 Disease Progression and Regression - 0-24 Months 4
220702 Disease Progression and Regression - 2-11 Years 1
220703 Disease Progression and Regression - 12-18 Years 4
220704 Disease Progression and Regression - Adult 5
220901 Echocardiography Phenotypes 2
221001 Family Health History 21
221301 Quality of Life - Pediatric 5
221302 Quality of Life - Adult 13
230102 Eating Disorders Examination - Adult Interview 1
230104 Eating Disorders Examination- Questionnaire 6
230201 Adipocytokines 6
230301 Basal Metabolic and Resting Metabolic Rates 1
230401 Dietary Restraint 7
231101 Metabolomics 2
231201 Dietary Intake 16
240701 Difficulties in Pregnancy 1
241101 Health and Wellness Before, During, and After Pregnancy 1
241401 Prenatal and Postpartum Depression 9
250101 Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) 2
250201 Auditory Perception and Noise Exposure 1
250401 Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis 1
250501 Cognitive Changes 1
250601 Falls 1
251001 Frailty 4
251101 Involuntary Weight Loss 1
251401 Psychological Resilience 4
270201 English Proficiency 2
270301 Food Insecurity 3
270501 Occupational Prestige 1
280301 Job Insecurity 1
290101 Air Quality Index 2
300501 Household Chaos and Unpredictability 1
320201 Chronic Medical Conditions - Self Reported 1
320301 Cognitive Function 4
510101 Family History of Substance Use Problems - Alcohol 4
510102 Family History of Substance Use Problems - Drugs 6
510103 Family History of Substance Use Problems - Tobacco 1
510201 Screening and Severity of Substance Use Problems - Adults - Alcohol - Past 12 Months 9
510202 Screening and Severity of Substance Use Problems - Adolescents 4
510203 Screening and Severity of Substance Use Problems - Adults - Alcohol - Lifetime 2
510204 Screening and Severity of Substance Use Problems - Adults - Drugs 7
510302 Patterns of Substance Use - Adults 1
510303 Patterns of Substance Use - Adolescents 4
510304 Patterns of Substance Use - Adults - Binge-Drinking 2
510404 Substance Abuse and Dependence - Past Year - Alcohol 2
510501 Alcohol Breathalyzer 3
510601 On-site Urine Drug Screen 3
510801 Addiction Severity Index 39
520101 Acute Subjective Response to Substances - Current - Specific - Drugs 4
520102 Acute Subjective Response to Substances - Current - Specific - Alcohol 11
520103 Acute Subjective Response to Substances - Current - General 8
520104 Acute Subjective Response to Substances - Current - Specific - Tobacco 5
520201 Acute Subjective Responses to Substances - Retrospective - Tobacco 3
520202 Acute Subjective Responses to Substances - Retrospective - Alcohol 3
520301 Self-reported Craving - Specific - Alcohol 4
520304 Self-reported Craving - Specific - Marijuana 3
520306 Self-reported Craving - Specific - Tobacco 5
520307 Self-reported Craving - General 2
520404 Expectancies - Alcohol, Cigarette Smoking, and Other Smoking - Marijuana 3
520406 Expectancies - Alcohol, Cigarette Smoking, and Other Smoking - Alcohol 2
520407 Expectancies - Alcohol, Cigarette Smoking, and Other Smoking - Tobacco 5
520501 Motives - Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Substances - General 7
520502 Motives - Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Substances - Specific - Alcohol 2
520504 Motives - Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Substances - Specific - Tobacco 7
520506 Motives - Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Substances - Specific - Drugs 1
530101 Cognitive Flexibility (Dimensional Change Card Sort) - Children, Adolescents, and Adults 12
530102 Cognitive Flexibility (Dimensional Change Card Sort) - Young Children 6
530201 Decision Making (Iowa Gambling Task) - Child 9
530301 Delayed Reward Discounting (Monetary-Choice Questionnaire) 21
530402 Inhibitory Control (Stop Signal Paradigm) 8
530602 Motor and Attentional Impulsivity (Immediate and Delayed Memory Task) 8
540201 Disruptive Behavior 5
540301 Family Risk and Protective Factors 3
540401 Peer/Partner Substance Use and Tolerance of Substance Use 1
540402 Peer/Partner Substance Use and Tolerance of Substance Use 1
540501 School Risk and Protective Factors 3
540601 Sensitivity to Reward and Punishment - Adolescent and Adult 15
540602 Sensitivity to Reward and Punishment - Child 8
540603 Sensitivity to Punishment/Sensitivity to Reward Questionnaire (SPSRQ) 9
550202 Disapproval of Substance Use 1
550401 Perceived Harm of Substance Use 2
560101 Behavioral Health Screener 1
560201 Comprehensive HIV Risk Assessment 4
560303 Duration of Abstinence - Alcohol 3
560304 Duration of Abstinence - Substance Use 3
570101 Body Mass Index 2
570201 Self-report of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Testing 2
580101 Internalizing, Externalizing, and Substance Use Disorders Screener 3
610101 Impairment - Adolescent 5
610102 Impairment - Adult 20
610201 Broad Psychopathology - Adult 23
630101 Trauma and Adversity Exposure - General 17
630102 Trauma and Adversity Exposure - Military 4
630201 PTSD Screener - DSM-IV 4
630202 PTSD Screener - DSM 5 12
630302 PTSD Symptoms, Self-report - DSM 5 3
630401 PTSD Symptoms, Severity, and Diagnosis - DSM-IV 2
630402 PTSD Symptoms, Severity, and Diagnosis - DSM 5 14
630501 Social Support 25
630701 General Well-being 10
630801 Disability Due to Mental Health Symptoms 5
630901 Baseline and Trauma Challenge Physiology 7
631301 Military Service Demographics 9
640101 Classification of Suicidal Ideation and Suicidal Behavior - Adolescent - Current 9
640102 Classification of Suicidal Ideation and Suicidal Behavior - Adolescent - Lifetime 5
640103 Classification of Suicidal Ideation and Suicidal Behavior - Adolescent - Since Last Visit 3
640104 Classification of Suicidal Ideation and Suicidal Behavior - Adolescent - Epidemiology 2
640105 Classification of Suicidal Ideation and Suicidal Behavior - Adult - Current 12
640106 Classification of Suicidal Ideation and Suicidal Behavior - Adult - Lifetime 13
640107 Classification of Suicidal Ideation and Suicidal Behavior - Adult - Since Last Visit 6
640108 Classification of Suicidal Ideation and Suicidal Behavior - Adult - Epidemiology 6
640202 Intensity of Suicidal Ideation (Continuum) - Adult 4
640301 Suicidal Intent of Suicide Attempts 3
640401 Lethality of Suicide Attempts 3
640501 Non-suicidal Self Injury 5
640601 Hopelessness - Adolescent 6
640701 Aggression and Hostility 11
640801 Insomnia 13
640901 Deterrents to Suicide - Clinical - Child 2
640902 Deterrents to Suicide - Clinical - Adult 5
640903 Deterrents to Suicide - Epidemiology 2
641001 Access to Lethal Means 11
650201 Exercise Dependence Scale 1
650301 Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire (CEBQ) 2
650601 Positive and Negative Perfectionism Scale 1
650701 Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale (IUS) 8
651201 Questionnaire on Eating and Weight Patterns - Adult 4
651202 Questionnaire on Eating and Weight Patterns - Child 2
660601 C-Reactive Protein (CRP) 2
660701 Family History - Multiple Mental Disorders 8
660702 Family History - Psychosis 5
660801 Premorbid Adjustment in Psychosis 3
660901 Psychiatric Symptoms - Frequency 6
661101 Psychosis Recovery Assessment 2
661201 Social and Role Dysfunction in Psychosis and Schizophrenia 3
661301 Personal Well-being Index - Adult 9
661302 Personal Well-being index - Child 1
661401 Mental Health Services Satisfaction 10
661601 Antipsychotic Medication Extrapyramidal Side Effects 2
661701 Multi-dimensional Assessment of Antipsychotic Medication Side Effects 3
661801 Antipsychotic Medication Adherence 10
661901 Physical Activity 12
662001 Family Expressed Emotion Toward Relatives with Psychosis and Schizophrenia 3
662102 Family Functioning - Systematic Clinical Outcome Routine Evaluation 6
662201 Family Burden of Mental Illness 6
662301 Shared Decision Making in Clinical Encounters 4
662401 Incarceration - Adolescents 1
662402 Incarceration - Adult 2
710101 Quality of Communication about Smoking 4
710301 Susceptibility to Smoking Cigarettes 3
710401 Behavior Economics/Purchase Behavior 5
710501 Motivation to Quit - Single Item 4
710502 Motivation to Quit - Multiple Item 5
710601 Hedonic Tone or Response to Pleasurable Situations 12
710701 Distress Tolerance 4
710801 Multigroup Ethnic Identity 5
710901 Peer and Family Influence on Smoking 3
711001 Attention 12
711101 House Rules About Tobacco Use 2
720101 Amount, Type, and Frequency of Recent Use of Nicotine Products 10
720201 Cotinine in Serum 2
720301 Expired Carbon Monoxide 3
720401 NNAL in Urine 2
720501 Cue Reactions to Tobacco Stimuli 6
720601 Flavor Preference - e-cigarettes - Adult 3
720602 Flavor Preference - e-cigarettes - Youth 3
720801 Pregnancy Status and Tobacco Use 2
720901 Pregnancy Status - Mother and Baby Health 3
721001 Withdrawal from Tobacco Use 4
730101 History of Switching to Lower Tar and Nicotine Cigarettes 5
730301 Nicotine Content 2
730401 Passive Exposures to Tobacco Products 5
730701 Tobacco Brand and Variety - Cigars 4
730702 Tobacco Brand and Variety - Cigarettes 5
730703 Tobacco Brand and Variety - Smokeless Tobacco 2
730801 Tobacco Product Adulteration - Vent or Filter Blocking 2
730901 Tobacco Warning Label Exposure and Recall 3
740101 Exposure to Tobacco Marketing through Internet and Social Media Use 6
740201 Illicit Tobacco Products 5
740401 Self-reported Exposure to and Use of Price Promotions for Tobacco Products 8
740501 Self-reported Exposure to Tobacco Advertising at Point of Sale 5
740601 Self-reported Exposure to Tobacco Product Advertisements 5
740701 Self-reported Exposure to Tobacco Product Sponsorships 4
740801 Self-reported Tobacco Product Price Paid - Cigarettes 4
740802 Self-reported Tobacco Product Price Paid - Cigars 17
740803 Self-reported Tobacco Product Price Paid - E-Cigarettes 2
740804 Self-reported Tobacco Product Price Paid - Smokeless Tobacco 3
740901 Self-reported Tobacco Product Purchase Location - Cigarettes 4
740902 Self-reported Tobacco Product Purchase Location - Cigars 4
740903 Self-reported Tobacco Product Purchase Location - Dissolvable Tobacco 3
740904 Self-reported Tobacco Product Purchase Location - E-Cigarettes 3
740905 Self-reported Tobacco Product Purchase Location - Hookah Tobacco 3
740906 Self-reported Tobacco Product Purchase Location - Pipe 3
740907 Self-reported Tobacco Product Purchase Location - Smokeless Tobacco 3
741001 Standardized Tobacco Assessment for Retail Settings 2
741101 Tobacco Industry and Retailer Public Relations 2
741301 Use of a Regular Brand of Tobacco 7
741401 Use of Tobacco Products 9
750101 Aided and Confirmed Awareness of Televised Anti-tobacco Advertisements 3
750301 Social Norms about Tobacco - Adult 4
750501 Interpersonal Communication about Anti-tobacco Advertising 2
750601 Local Tobacco Control Public Policies 2
750701 Media Use 4
751001 Self-reported Exposure to Smoking on Television and in the Movies 1
751201 State Tobacco Control Public Policies 2
751401 Worksite Policies 2
751501 Youth Cigarette Purchase Behaviors and Experiences 4
760101 Electronic Nicotine Product Device Type 2
770101 Self-Reported General Health Status 3
770201 Blunt Use 1
770301 Veteran Status 2
810201 Chest X-ray 4
810401 Lung Function - Lung Volume 1
811201 Aspartate Aminotransferase Level 2
820101 Quality of Care - Adults 2
820102 Quality of Care - Children 2
820201 Adult Sickle Cell Quality of Life Measurement Information System (ASCQ-Me) 5
820401 Self-efficacy in Sickle Cell Disease 2
820701 Stroke Impact Scale (SIS) - Adults 7
820702 Recovery and Recurrence Questionnaire (RRQ) - Pediatrics 1
820801 NIH Stroke Scale (NIHSS) 22
820802 Pediatric NIH Stroke Scale (PedNIHSS) 1
821001 Stroke Risk in Children with Sickle Cell Disease - TCD 1
830101 Frequency of Sickle Cell Pain Episodes Per Year 2
830201 History of Transfusion 4
840101 Marital Status of Primary Caregiver 1
840201 Pediatric School Performance 1
910602 School and Work Attendance - Adult 1
911003 Population-based Pharmacokinetic Study Using Chromogenic Substrate Assay - Standard Half-life Factor IX Products 1