
Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health

Study Name Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health
Study Acronym PATH
Funding Agency NIDA, FDA
Primary Research Focus The current study examined co-occurrence of substance use and mental health problems across tobacco products among 13,617 youth aged 12""17 years from Wave 1 (2013""2014) of the nationally representative Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study. Participants self-reported ever cigarette, e-cigar- ette, smokeless tobacco, traditional cigar, cigarillo, filtered cigar, hookah, and other tobacco product use; al- cohol, marijuana, and other drugs; and lifetime substance use, internalizing and externalizing problems.
Study Design Name
Number Participants >1000
Study Website https://pathstudyinfo.nih.gov/UI/HomeMobile.aspx
Protocol Ids 530301, 540402, 540601, 560101, 560102, 570201, 650301, 662501, 710701, 710801, 711101, 720101, 720801,
740401, 740501, 740601
Grant Number HHSN271201100027C (contract to Westat)
Citation Link https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28846942