Protocol - Personal and Family History of Respiratory Symptoms/Diseases - Adult
- Cigarette Smoking Status - Adolescent
- Cigarette Smoking Status - Adult
- Current Marital Status
- Ethnicity and Race
- Gender Identity
- Height - Knee Height
- Medication Inventory
- Occupation/Occupational History
This protocol obtains information about the personal history of respiratory symptoms and illnesses. Duration of disease, other allergic diseases, occupational history, smoking status, and family history of selected respiratory diseases are also assessed. The PhenX Working Group added supplemental questions from other studies in areas judged to be inadequately covered by this questionnaire.
Specific Instructions
This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.
These questions pertain mainly to your chest. Please answer yes or no, if possible. If a question does not appear to be applicable to you, check the "Does Not Apply" space. If you are in doubt about whether your answer is yes or no, record no.
1A. Do you usually have a cough? (Count a cough with first smoke or on first going out-of-doors. Exclude clearing of throat.) [If no, skip to question 1C.]
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
1B. Do you usually cough as much as 4 to 6 times a day, 4 or more days out of the week?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
1C. Do you usually cough at all on getting up, or first thing in the morning?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
1D. Do you usually cough at all during the rest of the day or at night?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
1E. Do you usually cough like this on most days for 3 consecutive months or more during the year?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
8[ ]Does not apply
1F. For how many years have you had this cough?
_____________ Number of years
88[ ]Does not apply
2A. Do you usually bring up phlegm from your chest? (Count phlegm with the first smoke or on first going out-of-doors. Exclude phlegm from the nose. Count swallowed phlegm.) [If no, skip to 2C.]
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
2B. Do you usually bring up phlegm like this as much as twice a day, 4 or more days out of the week?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
2C. Do you usually bring up phlegm at all on getting up or first thing in the morning?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
2D. Do you usually bring up phlegm at all during the rest of the day or at night?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
2E. Do you bring up phlegm like this on most days for 3 consecutive months or more during the year?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
8[ ]Does not apply
2F. For how many years have you had trouble with phlegm?
_____________ Number of years
88[ ]Does not apply
3A. Have you had periods or episodes of (increased*) cough and phlegm lasting for 3 weeks or more each year? (*For individuals who usually have cough and/or phlegm)
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
3B. For how long have you had at least 1 such episode per year?
_____________ Number of years
88[ ]Does not apply
4A. Does your chest ever sound wheezy or whistling:
1. When you have a cold?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
2. Occasionally apart from colds?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
3. Most days or nights?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
IF YES TO 1, 2, OR 3 IN 4A:
4B. For how many years has this been present?
____________ Number of years
88[ ]Does not apply
5A. Have you ever had an ATTACK of wheezing that has made you feel short of breath?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
5B. How old were you when you had your first such attack?
_______ Age in years
88[ ]Does not apply
5C. Have you had 2 or more such episodes?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
8[ ]Does not apply
5D. Have you ever required medicine or treatment for the(se) attack(s)?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
8[ ]Does not apply
6. If disabled from walking by any condition other than heart or lung disease, please describe and proceed to Question 8A.
_________________________________________________ Nature of condition(s):
7A. Are you troubled by shortness of breath when hurrying on the level or walking up a slight hill?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
7B. Do you have to walk slower than people of your age on the level because of breathlessness?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
8[ ]Does not apply
7C. Do you ever have to stop for breath when walking at your own pace on the level?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
8[ ]Does not apply
7D. Do you ever have to stop for breath after walking about 100 yards (or after a few minutes) on the level?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
8[ ]Does not apply
7E. Are you too breathless to leave the house or breathless on dressing or undressing?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
8[ ]Does not apply
8A. If you get a cold, does it usually go to your chest? (Usually means more than 1/2 the time.)
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
8[ ]Don’t get colds
9A. During the past 3 years, have you had any chest illnesses that have kept you off work, indoors at home, or in bed?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
9B. Did you produce phlegm with any of these chest illnesses?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
8[ ]Does not apply
9C. In the last 3 years, how many such illnesses, with (increased) phlegm, did you have which lasted a week or more?
_____ Number of illnesses
_____ No such illnesses
8[ ]Does not apply
10. Did you have any lung trouble before the age of 16?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
11. Have you ever had any of the following:
1A. Attacks of bronchitis?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
1B. Was it confirmed by a doctor?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
8[ ]Does not apply
1C. At what age was your first attack?
______ Age in years
88[ ]Does not apply
2A. Pneumonia (include bronchopneumonia)?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
2B. Was it confirmed by a doctor?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
8[ ]Does not apply
2C. At what age did you first have it?
______ Age in years
88[ ]Does not apply
3A. Hay fever?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
3B. Was it confirmed by a doctor?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
8[ ]Does not apply
3C. At what age did it start?
______ Age in years
88[ ]Does not apply
12A. Have you ever had chronic bronchitis?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
12B. Do you still have it?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
8[ ]Does not apply
12C. Was it confirmed by a doctor?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
8[ ]Does not apply
12D. At what age did it start?
______ Age in years
88[ ]Does not apply
13A. Have you ever had emphysema?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
13B. Do you still have it?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
8[ ]Does not apply
13C. Was it confirmed by a doctor?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
8[ ]Does not apply
13D. At what age did it start?
______ Age in years
88[ ]Does not apply
14A. Have you ever had asthma?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
14B. Do you still have it?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
8[ ]Does not apply
14C. Was it confirmed by a doctor?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
8[ ]Does not apply
14D. At what age did it start?
______ Age in years
88[ ]Does not apply
14E. If you no longer have it, at what age did it stop?
______ Age stopped
88[ ]Does not apply
15. Have you ever had:
15A. Any other chest illnesses?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
If yes, please specify ____________________________________________
15B. Any chest operations?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
If yes, please specify ____________________________________________
15C. Any chest injuries?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
If yes, please specify ____________________________________________
16A. Has doctor ever told you that you had heart trouble?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
IF YES to 16A:
16B. Have you ever had treatment for heart trouble in the past 10 years?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
8[ ]Does not apply
17A. Has a doctor ever told you that you have high blood pressure?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
IF YES to 17A:
17B. Have you had any treatment for high blood pressure (hypertension) in the past 10 years?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
8[ ]Does not apply
18A. Have you ever worked full time (30 hours per week or more) for 6 months or more?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
IF YES to 18A:
18B. Have you ever worked for a year or more in any dusty job?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
8[ ]Does not apply
_________________________ Specify job/industry
___ Total years worked
Was dust exposure
1[ ]Mild?
2[ ]Moderate?
3[ ]Severe?
18C. Have you ever been exposed to gas or chemical fumes in your work?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
8[ ]Does not apply
_________________________ Specify job/industry
___ Total years worked
Was fume exposure
1[ ]Mild?
2[ ]Moderate?
3[ ]Severe?
18D. What has been your usual occupation or job - the one you have worked at the longest?
1. Job-occupation: __________________________________________________
2. Number of years employed in this occupation:__________________
3. Position-job title: __________________________________________________
4. Business, field, or industry: __________________________________________
19A. Have you ever smoked cigarettes? (NO means less than 20 packs of cigarettes or 12 oz. of tobacco in a lifetime or less than 1 cigarette a day for 1 year.)
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
IF YES to 19A:
19B. Do you now smoke cigarettes (as of 1 month ago)?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
8[ ]Does not apply
19C. How old were you when you first started regular cigarette smoking?
____ Age in Years
88[ ]Does not apply
19D. If you have stopped smoking cigarettes completely, how old were you when you stopped?
____ Age stopped
[ ] Check if still smoking
88[ ]Does not apply
19E. How many cigarettes do you smoke per day now?
___ Cigarettes/day
88[ ]Does not apply
19F. On the average of the entire time you smoked, how many cigarettes did you smoke per day?
___ Cigarettes/day
88[ ]Does not apply
19G. Do or did you inhale the cigarette smoke?
1[ ]Does not apply
2[ ]Not at all
3[ ]Slightly
4[ ]Moderately
5[ ]Deeply
20A.Have you ever smoked a pipe regularly?
1[ ]Yes (YES means more than 12 oz. tobacco in a lifetime.)
2[ ]No
IF YES to 20A:
20B1. How old were you when you started to smoke a pipe regularly?
____ Age
20B2. If you have stopped smoking a pipe completely, how old were you when you stopped?
____ Age stopped
Check if still smoking pipe ____
88[ ]Does not apply __
20C. On the average over the entire time you smoked a pipe, how much pipe tobacco did you smoke per week?
____ oz. per week (a standard pouch of tobacco contains 1 1/2 oz.)
88[ ]Does not apply ___
20D. How much pipe tobacco are you smoking now?
___ oz. per week
88[ ]Not currently smoking a pipe ___
20E. Do or did you inhale the pipe smoke?
1[ ]Never smoked
2[ ]Not at all
3[ ]Slightly
4[ ]Moderately
5[ ]Deeply
21A. Have you ever smoked cigars regularly?
1[ ]Yes (YES means more than 1 cigar a week for a year.)
2[ ]No
IF YES to 21A:
21B1. How old were you when you started smoking cigars regularly?
____ Age
21B2. If you have stopped smoking cigars completely, how old were you when you stopped?
____ Age stopped
Check if still smoking cigars___
88[ ]Does not apply __
21C. On the average over the entire time you smoked cigars, how many cigars did you smoke per week?
___ Cigars per week
88[ ]Does not apply
21D. How many cigars are you smoking per week now?
___ Cigars per week
88[ ]Check if not smoking cigars currently
21E. Do or did you inhale the cigar smoke?
1[ ]Never smoked
2[ ]Not at all
3[ ]Slightly
4[ ]Moderately
5[ ]Deeply
22. Were either of your natural parents ever told by a doctor that they had a chronic lung condition such as:
22A. Chronic bronchitis?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
3[ ]Don’t know
22B. Emphysema?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
3[ ]Don’t know
22C. Asthma?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
3[ ]Don’t know
22D. Lung cancer?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
3[ ]Don’t know
22E. Other chest conditions?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
3[ ]Don’t know
22A. Chronic bronchitis?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
3[ ]Don’t know
22B. Emphysema?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
3[ ]Don’t know
22C. Asthma?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
3[ ]Don’t know
22D. Lung cancer?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
3[ ]Don’t know
22E. Other chest conditions?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
3[ ]Don’t know
23. Have you ever had wheezing or whistling in your chest?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
If Yes, about how old were you when you first had wheezing or whistling in your chest?
_____ Age in years (Answer 1 if younger than age 1 year)
24. In the last 12 months, have you had wheezing or whistling in your chest at any time?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
If Yes, in the last 12 months, does your chest ever sound wheezy or whistling:
When you have a cold?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
More than once a week?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
Most days and nights?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
25. In the last 12 months, have you been awakened from sleep by coughing, apart from a cough associated with a cold or chest infection?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
26. In the last 12 months, have you been awakened from sleep by shortness of breath or a feeling of tightness in your chest?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
27. In the past 12 months, have you been bothered by sneezing or a runny or blocked nose when you did not have a cold or the flu?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
28. In the past 12 months, have you been bothered by watery, itchy, or burning eyes when you did not have a cold or the flu?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
29. In the past 12 months, have you had periods or episodes of cough with phlegm that lasted 1 week or more? (If you usually have cough and phlegm, please count only periods or episodes of increased cough and phlegm.)
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
If Yes, for how many years have you had at least one such episode per year?
Number of years___
If Yes, about how many such episodes have you had in the past 12 months?
Number of episodes ___
30. In the past year, have you been to the emergency room or hospitalized for lung problems?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
If Yes, how many times? ___
31. In the past year, have you been treated with antibiotics for a chest illness?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
If Yes, how many times? ___
32. In the past year, have you been treated with steroid pills or injections, such as prednisone or solumedrol, for a chest illness?
1[ ]Yes
2[ ]No
If Yes, how many times? ___
Personnel and Training Required
Equipment Needs
Requirement Category | Required |
Major equipment | No |
Specialized training | No |
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection | No |
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual | No |
Mode of Administration
Self-administered or interviewer-administered questionnaire
Adolescent, Adult, Senior
Individuals aged 14 years or older
Selection Rationale
The American Thoracic Society-Division of Lung Diseases 1978 Questionnaire (ATS-DLD 78) was created by a panel of respiratory experts. This protocol has been widely used over several decades and is valid and reliable.
Chinese, English
Standard | Name | ID | Source |
Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) | Resp fam hx resp sympt adult proto | 62625-9 | LOINC |
Human Phenotype Ontology | Functional respiratory abnormality | HP:0002795 | HPO |
caDSR Form | PhenX PX090901 - Personal And Family History Of Respiratory Symptoms Dise | 5968251 | caDSR Form |
Derived Variables
Process and Review
Expert Review Panel #6 (ERP 6) reviewed the measures in the Respiratory domain.
Guidance from ERP 6 includes:
• No significant changes to measure
Back-compatible: no changes to Data Dictionary
Protocol Name from Source
American Thoracic Society-Division of Lung Diseases Questionnaire (ATS-DLD 78) & Genetic Epidemiology of COPD Study (COPDGene)
The American Thoracic Society-Division of Lung Diseases 1978 Questionnaire (ATS-DLD 78), questions 7-28 (source for questions 1A-22A). Genetic Epidemiology of COPD Study (COPDGene), Respiratory Disease Questionnaire, Version 08, January 2008 (source for questions 23-32).
General References
Ferris, B. G. (1978). American Thoracic Society (ATS) statement: Epidemiology standardization project. American Review of Respiratory Disease, 118, 1-120.
Protocol ID
Export VariablesVariable Name | Variable ID | Variable Description | dbGaP Mapping | |
PX090901_Asthma_Doctor_Confirmed | ||||
PX090901140300 | PAST ILLNESSES - Asthma Was it confirmed by more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Asthma_Ever | ||||
PX090901140100 | PAST ILLNESSES - Asthma Have you ever had asthma? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Asthma_Start_Age | ||||
PX090901140400 | PAST ILLNESSES - Asthma At what age did it start? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Asthma_Start_Age_Coded | ||||
PX090901140401 | PAST ILLNESSES - Asthma At what age did it start? | N/A | ||
PX090901_Asthma_Still_Have | ||||
PX090901140200 | PAST ILLNESSES - Asthma Do you still have it? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Asthma_Stop_Age | ||||
PX090901140500 | PAST ILLNESSES - Asthma If you no longer more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Asthma_Stop_Age_Coded | ||||
PX090901140501 | PAST ILLNESSES - Asthma If you no longer more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Breathlessness_Condition_Nature | ||||
PX090901060000 | BREATHLESSNESS If disabled from walking by more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Breathlessness_Hurrying_Slight_Hill | ||||
PX090901070100 | BREATHLESSNESS Are you troubled by shortness more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Breathlessness_Leave_House_Dressing_Undressing | ||||
PX090901070500 | BREATHLESSNESS Are you too breathless to more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Breathlessness_Need_Stop_100_Yards | ||||
PX090901070400 | BREATHLESSNESS Do you ever have to stop for more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Breathlessness_Need_Stop_Own_Pace | ||||
PX090901070300 | BREATHLESSNESS Do you ever have to stop for more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Breathlessness_Need_Walk_Slower | ||||
PX090901070200 | BREATHLESSNESS Do you have to walk slower more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Bronchitis_Doctor_Confirmed | ||||
PX090901110102 | PAST ILLNESSES - Bronchitis Was it confirmed more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Bronchitis_Ever | ||||
PX090901110101 | PAST ILLNESSES - Bronchitis Have you ever more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Bronchitis_First_Age | ||||
PX090901110103 | PAST ILLNESSES - Bronchitis At what age was more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Bronchitis_First_Age_Coded | ||||
PX090901110104 | PAST ILLNESSES - Bronchitis At what age was more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Chest_Illness_Keep_Home_Bed | ||||
PX090901090100 | CHEST COLDS AND CHEST ILLNESSES During the more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Chest_Illness_Phlegm | ||||
PX090901090200 | CHEST COLDS AND CHEST ILLNESSES Did you more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Chest_Illness_Phlegm_Lasting_Week | ||||
PX090901090300 | CHEST COLDS AND CHEST ILLNESSES In the last more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Chest_Injury_Ever | ||||
PX090901150301 | PAST ILLNESSES - Chest Injuries Have you more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Chest_Injury_Specify | ||||
PX090901150302 | PAST ILLNESSES - Chest Injuries Please more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Chest_Operation_Ever | ||||
PX090901150201 | PAST ILLNESSES - Chest Operations Have you more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Chest_Operation_Specify | ||||
PX090901150202 | PAST ILLNESSES - Chest Operations Please more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Chronic_Bronchitis_Doctor_Confirmed | ||||
PX090901120300 | PAST ILLNESSES - Chronic Bronchitis Was it more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Chronic_Bronchitis_Ever | ||||
PX090901120100 | PAST ILLNESSES - Chronic Bronchitis Have you more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Chronic_Bronchitis_Start_Age | ||||
PX090901120400 | PAST ILLNESSES - Chronic Bronchitis At what more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Chronic_Bronchitis_Start_Age_Coded | ||||
PX090901120401 | PAST ILLNESSES - Chronic Bronchitis At what more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Chronic_Bronchitis_Still_Have | ||||
PX090901120200 | PAST ILLNESSES - Chronic Bronchitis Do you more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Cold_Usually_Go_To_Chest | ||||
PX090901080000 | CHEST COLDS AND CHEST ILLNESSES If you get a more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Cough_Consecutive_Months | ||||
PX090901010500 | COUGH Do you usually cough like this on most more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Cough_Day_Night | ||||
PX090901010400 | COUGH Do you usually cough at all during the more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Cough_Frequently | ||||
PX090901010200 | COUGH Do you usually cough as much as 4 to 6 more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Cough_History | ||||
PX090901010100 | COUGH Do you usually have a cough? (Count a more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Cough_In_Morning | ||||
PX090901010300 | COUGH Do you usually cough at all on getting more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Cough_Phlegm_Episode_Lasting_Time | ||||
PX090901030200 | EPISODES OF COUGH AND PHLEGM For how long more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Cough_Phlegm_Episode_Lasting_Time_Coded | ||||
PX090901030201 | EPISODES OF COUGH AND PHLEGM For how long more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Cough_Phlegm_Period_Episode | ||||
PX090901030100 | EPISODES OF COUGH AND PHLEGM Have you had more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Cough_Years | ||||
PX090901010600 | COUGH For how many years have you had this cough? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Cough_Years_Coded | ||||
PX090901010601 | COUGH For how many years have you had this cough? | N/A | ||
PX090901_Dusty_Job_Ever | ||||
PX090901180201 | OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY - Dusty Job Have you more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Dusty_Job_Exposure_Degree | ||||
PX090901180204 | OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY - Dusty Job Was dust exposure | N/A | ||
PX090901_Dusty_Job_Industry_Specify | ||||
PX090901180202 | OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY - Dusty Job Specify more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Dusty_Job_Total_Years | ||||
PX090901180203 | OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY - Dusty Job Total years more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Emphysema_Doctor_Confirmed | ||||
PX090901130300 | PAST ILLNESSES - Emphysema Was it confirmed more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Emphysema_Ever | ||||
PX090901130100 | PAST ILLNESSES - Emphysema Have you ever had more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Emphysema_Start_Age | ||||
PX090901130400 | PAST ILLNESSES - Emphysema At what age did more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Emphysema_Start_Age_Coded | ||||
PX090901130401 | PAST ILLNESSES - Emphysema At what age did more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Emphysema_Still_Have | ||||
PX090901130200 | PAST ILLNESSES - Emphysema Do you still have it? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Full_Time_Ever | ||||
PX090901180100 | OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY Have you ever worked more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Gas_Chemical_Fumes_Exposed_Ever | ||||
PX090901180301 | OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY - Gas or Chemical Fumes more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Gas_Chemical_Fumes_Exposure_Degree | ||||
PX090901180304 | OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY - Gas or Chemical Fumes more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Gas_Chemical_Fumes_Industry_Specify | ||||
PX090901180302 | OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY - Gas or Chemical Fumes more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Gas_Chemical_Fumes_Total_Years | ||||
PX090901180303 | OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY - Gas or Chemical Fumes more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Hay_Fever_Doctor_Confirmed | ||||
PX090901110302 | PAST ILLNESSES - Hay fever Was it confirmed more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Hay_Fever_Ever | ||||
PX090901110301 | PAST ILLNESSES - Hay fever Have you ever had more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Hay_Fever_Start_Age | ||||
PX090901110303 | PAST ILLNESSES - Hay fever At what age did more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Hay_Fever_Start_Age_Coded | ||||
PX090901110304 | PAST ILLNESSES - Hay fever At what age did more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Heart_Trouble_Ever | ||||
PX090901160100 | PAST ILLNESSES - Heart Trouble Has doctor more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Heart_Trouble_Treatment_Ever | ||||
PX090901160200 | PAST ILLNESSES - Heart Trouble Have you ever more | N/A | ||
PX090901_High_Blood_Pressure_Ever | ||||
PX090901170100 | PAST ILLNESSES - High Blood Pressure Has a more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_High_Blood_Pressure_Treatment_Ever | ||||
PX090901170200 | PAST ILLNESSES - High Blood Pressure Have more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_History_Antibiotics_Treatment_Chest | ||||
PX090901310100 | In the past year, have you been treated with more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_History_Antibiotics_Treatment_Chest_Times | ||||
PX090901310200 | How many times? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_History_Awakened_Breath_Tightness_Chest | ||||
PX090901260000 | In the last 12 months, have you been more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_History_Awakened_Coughing | ||||
PX090901250000 | In the last 12 months, have you been more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_History_Cough_Phlegm_Episodes | ||||
PX090901290300 | About how many such episodes have you had in more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_History_Cough_Phlegm_Lasted_Week | ||||
PX090901290100 | In the past 12 months, have you had periods more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_History_Cough_Phlegm_Years | ||||
PX090901290200 | For how many years have you had at least one more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_History_ER_Hospitalized_Lung | ||||
PX090901300100 | In the past year, have you been to the more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_History_ER_Hospitalized_Lung_Times | ||||
PX090901300200 | How many times? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_History_Father_Asthma | ||||
PX090901220103 | FAMILY HISTORY Were either of your natural more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_History_Father_Chronic_Bronchitis | ||||
PX090901220101 | FAMILY HISTORY Were either of your natural more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_History_Father_Emphysema | ||||
PX090901220102 | FAMILY HISTORY Were either of your natural more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_History_Father_Lung_Cancer | ||||
PX090901220104 | FAMILY HISTORY Were either of your natural more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_History_Father_Other_Chest_Conditions | ||||
PX090901220105 | FAMILY HISTORY Were either of your natural more | N/A | ||
PX090901_History_Mother_Asthma | ||||
PX090901220203 | FAMILY HISTORY Were either of your natural more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_History_Mother_Chronic_Bronchitis | ||||
PX090901220201 | FAMILY HISTORY Were either of your natural more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_History_Mother_Emphysema | ||||
PX090901220202 | FAMILY HISTORY Were either of your natural more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_History_Mother_Lung_Cancer | ||||
PX090901220204 | FAMILY HISTORY Were either of your natural more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_History_Mother_Other_Chest_Conditions | ||||
PX090901220205 | FAMILY HISTORY Were either of your natural more | N/A | ||
PX090901_History_Sneezing_Runny_Blocked_Nose | ||||
PX090901270000 | In the past 12 months, have you been more | N/A | ||
PX090901_History_Steroid_Treatment_Chest | ||||
PX090901320100 | In the past year, have you been treated with more | N/A | ||
PX090901_History_Steroid_Treatment_Chest_Times | ||||
PX090901320200 | How many times? | N/A | ||
PX090901_History_Watery_Itchy_Burning_Eyes | ||||
PX090901280000 | In the past 12 months, have you been more | N/A | ||
PX090901_History_Wheezing_Whistling_Chest | ||||
PX090901240100 | In the last 12 months, have you had wheezing more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_History_Wheezing_Whistling_Chest_Cold | ||||
PX090901240200 | In the last 12 months, does your chest ever more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_History_Wheezing_Whistling_Chest_Day_Night | ||||
PX090901240400 | In the last 12 months, does your chest ever more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_History_Wheezing_Whistling_Chest_Multiple | ||||
PX090901240300 | In the last 12 months, does your chest ever more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Longest_Job_Business_Field_Industry | ||||
PX090901180404 | OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY What has been your more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Longest_Job_Occupation | ||||
PX090901180401 | OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY What has been your more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Longest_Job_Title | ||||
PX090901180403 | OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY What has been your more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Longest_Job_Years | ||||
PX090901180402 | OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY What has been your more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Lung_Trouble_Before_Age_16 | ||||
PX090901100000 | PAST ILLNESSES - Lung Trouble Did you have more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Other_Chest_Illness_Ever | ||||
PX090901150101 | PAST ILLNESSES - Other Chest Illnesses Have more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Other_Chest_Illness_Specify | ||||
PX090901150102 | PAST ILLNESSES - Other Chest Illnesses more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Phlegm_Consecutive_Months | ||||
PX090901020500 | PHLEGM Do you bring up phlegm like this on more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Phlegm_Day_Night | ||||
PX090901020400 | PHLEGM Do you usually bring up phlegm at all more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Phlegm_Frequently | ||||
PX090901020200 | PHLEGM Do you usually bring up phlegm like more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Phlegm_History | ||||
PX090901020100 | PHLEGM Do you usually bring up phlegm from more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Phlegm_In_Morning | ||||
PX090901020300 | PHLEGM Do you usually bring up phlegm at all more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Phlegm_Years | ||||
PX090901020600 | PHLEGM For how many years have you had more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Phlegm_Years_Coded | ||||
PX090901020601 | PHLEGM For how many years have you had more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Pneumonia_Doctor_Confirmed | ||||
PX090901110202 | PAST ILLNESSES - Pneumonia Was it confirmed more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Pneumonia_Ever | ||||
PX090901110201 | PAST ILLNESSES - Pneumonia Have you ever had more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Pneumonia_First_Age | ||||
PX090901110203 | PAST ILLNESSES - Pneumonia At what age did more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Pneumonia_First_Age_Coded | ||||
PX090901110204 | PAST ILLNESSES - Pneumonia At what age did more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Smoke_Cigars_Ever | ||||
PX090901210100 | TOBACCO SMOKING Have you ever smoked cigars more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Smoke_Cigars_Inhale | ||||
PX090901210500 | TOBACCO SMOKING Do or did you inhale the more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Smoke_Cigars_Quantity_Week_Average | ||||
PX090901210300 | TOBACCO SMOKING On the average over the more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Smoke_Cigars_Quantity_Week_Average_Coded | ||||
PX090901210301 | TOBACCO SMOKING On the average over the more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Smoke_Cigars_Quantity_Week_Now | ||||
PX090901210400 | TOBACCO SMOKING How many cigars are you more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Smoke_Cigars_Quantity_Week_Now_Coded | ||||
PX090901210401 | TOBACCO SMOKING How many cigars are you more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Smoke_Cigars_Start_Age | ||||
PX090901210201 | TOBACCO SMOKING How old were you when you more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Smoke_Cigars_Stop_Age | ||||
PX090901210202 | TOBACCO SMOKING If you have stopped smoking more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Smoke_Cigars_Stop_Age_Coded | ||||
PX090901210203 | TOBACCO SMOKING If you have stopped smoking more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Smoke_Pipe_Ever | ||||
PX090901200100 | TOBACCO SMOKING Have you ever smoked a pipe more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Smoke_Pipe_Inhale | ||||
PX090901200500 | TOBACCO SMOKING Do or did you inhale the more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Smoke_Pipe_Quantity_Week_Average | ||||
PX090901200300 | TOBACCO SMOKING On the average over the more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Smoke_Pipe_Quantity_Week_Average_Coded | ||||
PX090901200301 | TOBACCO SMOKING On the average over the more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Smoke_Pipe_Quantity_Week_Now | ||||
PX090901200400 | TOBACCO SMOKING How much pipe tobacco are more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Smoke_Pipe_Quantity_Week_Now_Coded | ||||
PX090901200401 | TOBACCO SMOKING How much pipe tobacco are more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Smoke_Pipe_Start_Age | ||||
PX090901200201 | TOBACCO SMOKING How old were you when you more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Smoke_Pipe_Stop_Age | ||||
PX090901200202 | TOBACCO SMOKING If you have stopped smoking more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Smoke_Pipe_Stop_Age_Coded | ||||
PX090901200203 | TOBACCO SMOKING If you have stopped smoking more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Smoking_Cigarettes_Ever | ||||
PX090901190100 | TOBACCO SMOKING Have you ever smoked cigarettes? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Smoking_Cigarettes_Inhale | ||||
PX090901190700 | TOBACCO SMOKING Do or did you inhale the more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Smoking_Cigarettes_Now | ||||
PX090901190200 | TOBACCO SMOKING Do you now smoke cigarettes more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Smoking_Cigarettes_Quantity_Day_Average | ||||
PX090901190600 | TOBACCO SMOKING On the average of the entire more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Smoking_Cigarettes_Quantity_Day_Average_Coded | ||||
PX090901190601 | TOBACCO SMOKING On the average of the entire more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Smoking_Cigarettes_Quantity_Day_Now | ||||
PX090901190500 | TOBACCO SMOKING How many cigarettes do you more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Smoking_Cigarettes_Quantity_Day_Now_Coded | ||||
PX090901190501 | TOBACCO SMOKING How many cigarettes do you more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Smoking_Cigarettes_Start_Age | ||||
PX090901190300 | TOBACCO SMOKING How old were you when you more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Smoking_Cigarettes_Start_Age_Coded | ||||
PX090901190301 | TOBACCO SMOKING How old were you when you more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Smoking_Cigarettes_Stop_Age | ||||
PX090901190400 | TOBACCO SMOKING If you have stopped smoking more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Smoking_Cigarettes_Stop_Age_Coded | ||||
PX090901190401 | TOBACCO SMOKING If you have stopped smoking more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Wheezing_Apart_From_Cold | ||||
PX090901040102 | WHEEZING Does your chest ever sound wheezy more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Wheezing_Attack_Ever | ||||
PX090901050100 | WHEEZING Have you ever had an ATTACK of more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Wheezing_Attack_Medicine_Treatment_Ever | ||||
PX090901050400 | WHEEZING Have you ever required medicine or more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Wheezing_Attack_Multiple_Episodes | ||||
PX090901050300 | WHEEZING Have you had 2 or more such episodes? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Wheezing_Day_Night | ||||
PX090901040103 | WHEEZING Does your chest ever sound wheezy more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Wheezing_First_Age | ||||
PX090901050200 | WHEEZING How old were you when you had your more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Wheezing_First_Age_Coded | ||||
PX090901050201 | WHEEZING How old were you when you had your more | N/A | ||
PX090901_Wheezing_Have_Cold | ||||
PX090901040101 | WHEEZING Does your chest ever sound wheezy more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Wheezing_Whistling_Chest_Ever | ||||
PX090901230101 | Have you ever had wheezing or whistling in more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Wheezing_Whistling_Chest_First_Age | ||||
PX090901230102 | About how old were you when you first had more | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Wheezing_Years | ||||
PX090901040200 | WHEEZING For how many years has this been present? | Variable Mapping | ||
PX090901_Wheezing_Years_Coded | ||||
PX090901040201 | WHEEZING For how many years has this been present? | N/A |
Measure Name
Personal and Family History of Respiratory Symptoms/Diseases
Release Date
January 29, 2010
This measure assesses the history of respiratory symptoms (i.e., cough, phlegm, shortness of breath, wheezing) and respiratory diseases.
Personal and family histories of respiratory symptoms and diseases are important to assess for overall health and quality of life. Standardized approaches to assess respiratory symptoms and diseases are required to define many respiratory phenotypes.
Respiratory, lung, cough, phlegm, wheezing, Family History, smoking, International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood, ISAAC
Measure Protocols
Protocol ID | Protocol Name |
90901 | Personal and Family History of Respiratory Symptoms/Diseases - Adult |
90902 | Personal and Family History of Respiratory Symptoms/Diseases - Child |
There are no publications listed for this protocol.