
Protocol - Crime and Delinquency - Adult

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Using a list of 48 criminal and delinquent activities, the respondent indicates if he or she has engaged in each activity-and, if so, how many times in the past year.

Specific Instructions

Several of the activities are criminal in nature so it is essential that the interviewer explains that the answers are confidential. If the respondents are thought to be at high risk for involvement in serious delinquent or criminal activities, the researchers may want to obtain a Certificate of Confidentiality (COC). Once obtained, the researcher should inform the respondent that he/she has a COC and explain what the certificate means. COCs are issued by the National Institutes of Health and other U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) agencies to help minimize risks to respondents by adding an additional level of protection for maintaining the confidentiality of private information.

Self-reports of criminal and delinquent activities may have limitations with regard to the ability to recall events, understand the questions, and tell the truth (e.g., exaggeration or concealment). These limitations have been documented by others (Chaiken & Chaiken, 1990; Elliott et al., 1989; Farrington et al., 1996; Hindelang et al., 1981) and should be evaluated by the investigator.

Self-reported child physical abuse and sexual abuse may need to be reported to the authorities. Researchers should check their state regulations for these requirements prior to using the instrument in the field.

The complete protocol for the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study includes a separate section on partner violence; thus, questions 22 and 23 direct the respondent to exclude partners when answering these questions. Specific questions related to domestic violence can be found in the Family Conflict measure in the Toolkit.


This protocol is freely available; permission not required for use.


I am going to describe some behaviors to you. Try to recall how many times you have done this thing during the last year.



000 = respondent did not engage in behavior in the past year

001 – 700 = number of times

777 = dont know

999 = missing

1. How many times in the last year did you run away from your home and stay away overnight? (Number of times) __ __ __

2. How many times in the last year did you carry a hidden weapon? __ __ __

3. How many times in the last year were you loud, rowdy, or unruly in a public place so that people complained or you got into trouble? __ __ __

4. How many times in the last year did you purposely damage or destroy property that did not belong to you? __ __ __

5. How many times in the last year did you purposely set fire to a house, building, car, or other property or try to do so? __ __ __

6. How many times in the last year did you break into, or try to break into, a building to steal something? __ __ __

7. How many times in the last year did you steal, or try to steal, money or things worth $5 or less? __ __ __

8. How many times in the last year did you steal, or try to steal, money or things worth between $5 and $100? __ __ __

9. How many times in the last year did you steal, or try to steal, money or things worth between $100 and $500? __ __ __

10. How many times in the last year did you steal, or try to steal, money or things worth over $500? _ _ _

11. How many times in the last year have you taken something from a store without paying for it? (Including events you have already told me about) __ __ __

12. How many times in the last year have you snatched someones purse or wallet, or picked someones pocket? __ __ __

13. How many times in the last year have you taken something from a car that did not belong to you? __ __ __

14. How many times in the last year have you knowingly bought, sold, or held stolen goods, or tried to do any of these things? __ __ __

15. How many times in the last year have you "converted" a vehicle, that is, taken a motor vehicle, such as a car or motorcycle, for a ride or drive without the owners permission, when you didnt intend to keep or sell it? __ __ __

16. How many times in the last year have you stolen, or tried to steal, a motor vehicle, such as a car or motorcycle, to keep or sell? __ __ __

17. How many times in the last year have you used worthless checks or fake money to pay for something? __ __ __

18. How many times in the last year have you used, or tried to use, credit cards, bank cards, or checks without the owners permission? __ __ __

19. How many times in the last year have you tried to cheat someone by selling them something that was worthless, or not what you said it was? __ __ __

20. How many times in the last year have you been so angry with a child that you attacked them with a weapon, or with the idea of seriously hurting them? __ __ __

21. How many times in the last year have you been so angry with a child that you hit them? (Other than events you just told me about) __ __ __

22. How many times in the last year have you attacked an adult with a weapon or with the idea of seriously hurting or killing them? (Dont include partners.) __ __ __

23. How many times in the last year have you hit an adult with the idea of hurting them? (Dont include partners) __ __ __

24. How many times in the last year have you used a weapon, force, or strong arm methods to rob a person, shop, bank, or other business? __ __ __

25. How many times in the last year have you been involved in a gang fight? __ __ __

26. How many times in the last year did you commit a serious driving offense, such as driving while drunk, driving recklessly, or speeding 50 km/hr (30 mph) over the posted speed limit? (For example, 150 km/hr [90 mph] in a 100 km/hr [60 mph] zone)? __ __ __

27. How many times in the last year have you embezzled money: that means used money entrusted to your care for some purpose not intended? (examples: charity collections, office accounts) __ __ __

28. How many times in the last year have you lied about your age? __ __ __

29. How many times in the last year have you begged for money or things from strangers? __ __ __

30. How many times in the last year have you made obscene telephone calls, such as calling someone and saying rude things? __ __ __

31. How many times in the last year have you been drunk in a public place? __ __ __

32. How many times in the last year have you avoided paying for things such as movies, bus or subway rides, food, or computer services? __ __ __

33. How many times in the last year did you give false information on a tax form, an insurance claim, or an application for a loan or bank account? __ __ __

34. How many times in the last year did you use a false name or alias so you couldnt be identified? __ __ __

35. How many times in the last year did you move away from a flat or house without paying the final bills or rent? __ __ __

36. How many times in the last year have you made illegal copies of computer software or video films? __ __ __

37. How many times in the last year did you buy something on credit and then never made the payments? __ __ __

38. How many times in the last year did you interfere with the work of the law by trying to get away from police, by hiding someone that the police were looking for, or by telling a lie to a police officer or judge? __ __ __

39. How many times in the last year have you driven a vehicle when you did not have a drivers license or after your license had been suspended or disqualified? __ __ __

40. How many times in the last year have you sold marijuana or hashish? __ __ __

41. How many times in the last year have you sold hard drugs, such as heroin, cocaine, or LSD? _ _ _

42. How many times in the last year have you used marijuana? __ __ __

43. How many times in the last year have you used a harder drug, such as heroin, cocaine, or LSD? __ __ __

44. How many times in the last year have you paid someone to have sex with you? __ __ __

45. How many times in the last year have you been paid, or received other favors for having sex with someone? __ __ __

46. How many times in the last year did you threaten or hurt someone to get them to have sex with you? __ __ __

47. How many times in the last year have you contributed to the delinquency of a person under age 17? That is, you helped them to run away, gave them alcohol or drugs, or had sex with them. __ __ __

48. How many times in the last year have you failed to obey the courts? That is, failed to answer summons by bailiff; failed to show up for periodic detention; broke conditions of parole; failed to pay a fine; escaped or tried to escape prison or jail; or failed to pay child support? __ __ __


Typically researchers use this information to capture which criminal and delinquent activities occurred and the prevalence during the last year.

Scoring can take the form of counting up the number of items endorsed or by calculating the sum of the item frequencies, where the nonendorsed items are scored "0". In addition, types of antisocial and criminal behaviors can be assessed (alcohol and drug use, minor delinquency, serious delinquency, violence, etc.). A Guttman scale may be used to classify the more serious or violent offenses (see Loeber et al., 1998). Researchers should consult with the original sources and other publication for examples of scoring techniques.

If a summary delinquency scale is being prepared, the Psychosocial Working Group recommends that items that are not against the law be removed from the scale (e.g., ran away, lied about age [unless some illegal context is specified], provided false name or alias [unless some illegal context is specified]). In addition, items that overlap, such as stealing something worth $5 to $100 and taking something from the store without paying (shoplifting) should not count as two endorsed items, only one.

Personnel and Training Required

The interviewer must be trained to conduct personal interviews with individuals from the general population. The interviewer must be trained and found to be competent (i.e., tested by an expert) at the completion of personal interviews. The interviewer should be trained to prompt respondents further if a "don’t know" response is provided.

Equipment Needs

These questions can be administered in a computerized or noncomputerized format (i.e., paper-and-pencil instrument). Computer software is necessary to develop computer-assisted instruments. A laptop computer/handheld computer will be needed to administer a computer-assisted questionnaire.

Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training No
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual No
Mode of Administration

Self-administered or interviewer-administered questionnaire




Ages 26 years and older; however, the Psychosocial Working Group recommends this instrument for ages 18 and over.

Selection Rationale

These questions have been used in large surveys such as the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study, the U.S. National Youth Survey, and multisite surveys (in Denver, CO, Pittsburgh, PA, and Rochester, NY) sponsored by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.


Chinese, English

Human Phenotype Ontology Abnormal aggressive, impulsive or violent behavior HP:0006919 HPO
caDSR Form PhenX PX181202 - Crime And Delinquency Adult Protocol 6190853 caDSR Form
Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) PhenX - crime and delinquency - adult protocol 181202 62940-2 LOINC
Derived Variables


Process and Review

Expert Review Panel 4 (ERP 4) reviewed the measures in the Neurology, Psychiatric, and Psychosocial domains.

Guidance from ERP 4 included the following:

  • No changes

Protocol Name from Source

Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Research Unit (DMHDRU), Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study, 1993


Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Research Unit. (DMHDRU). (1993). Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study, 1993, Phase 26: Self-reported Delinquency Questionnaire. Dunedin, New Zealand: Author.

General References

Chaiken, J. M., & Chaiken, M. R. (1990). Drugs and predatory crime. In M. Tonry & J. Q. Wilson (Eds.), Crime and justice, Vol. 13: Drugs and crime (pp. 203-239). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Elliott, D. S., Huizinga, D., & Menard, S. (1989). Multiple problem youth: Delinquency, substance use, and mental health problems. New York: Springer.

Farrington, D. P., Loeber, R., Stouthamer-Lober, M., Van Kammen, W., & Schmidt, L. (1996). Self-reported delinquency and a combined delinquency seriousness scale based on boys, mothers, and teachers: Concurrent and predictive validity for African Americans and Caucasians. Criminology, 34, 501-525.

Hindelang, M. J., Hirschi, T., & Weis, J. G. (1981). Measuring delinquency. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.

Huizinga, D., Esbensen, F., & Weiher, A. (1991). Are there multiple paths to delinquency? Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 82, 83-118.

Loeber, R., Farrington, D. P., Stouthamer-Loeber, M., & Van Kammen, W. B. (1998). Antisocial behavior and mental health problems: Explanatory factors in childhood and adolescence. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX181202220000 How many times in the last year have you more
attacked an adult with a weapon or with the idea of seriously hurting or killing them? (Don't include partners) show less
PX181202220100 How many times in the last year have you more
attacked an adult with a weapon or with the idea of seriously hurting or killing them? (Don't include partners) show less
PX181202200000 How many times in the last year have you more
been so angry with a child that you attacked them with a weapon, or with the idea of seriously hurting them? show less
PX181202200100 How many times in the last year have you more
been so angry with a child that you attacked them with a weapon, or with the idea of seriously hurting them? show less
PX181202210000 How many times in the last year have you more
been so angry with a child that you hit them (other than the events you just told me about)? show less
PX181202210100 How many times in the last year have you more
been so angry with a child that you hit them (other than the events you just told me about)? show less
PX181202320000 How many times in the last year have you more
avoided paying for things such as movies, bus or subway rides, food or computer services? show less
PX181202320100 How many times in the last year have you more
avoided paying for things such as movies, bus or subway rides, food or computer services? show less
PX181202310000 How many times in the last year have you more
been drunk in a public place? show less
PX181202310100 How many times in the last year have you more
been drunk in a public place? show less
PX181202290000 How many times in the last year have you more
begged for money or things from strangers? show less
PX181202290100 How many times in the last year have you more
begged for money or things from strangers? show less
PX181202060000 How many times in the last year did you more
break into, or try to break into a building, to steal something? show less
PX181202060100 How many times in the last year did you more
break into, or try to break into a building, to steal something? show less
PX181202020000 How many times in the last year did you more
carry a hidden weapon? show less
PX181202020100 How many times in the last year did you more
carry a hidden weapon? show less
PX181202470000 How many times in the last year have you more
contributed to the delinquency of a person under age 17? That is, you helped them to run away, gave them alcohol or drugs, or had sex with them. show less
PX181202470100 How many times in the last year have you more
contributed to the delinquency of a person under age 17? That is, you helped them to run away, gave them alcohol or drugs, or had sex with them. show less
PX181202150000 How many times in the last year have you more
converted a vehicle, that is, taken a motor vehicle such as a car or motorcycle for a ride or drive without the owner's permission, when you didn't mean to keep or sell it? show less
PX181202150100 How many times in the last year have you more
converted a vehicle, that is, taken a motor vehicle such as a car or motorcycle for a ride or drive without the owner's permission, when you didn't mean to keep or sell it? show less
PX181202180000 How many times in the last year have you more
used, or tried to use, credit or bank cards for checks without the owner's permission? show less
PX181202180100 How many times in the last year have you more
used, or tried to use, credit or bank cards for checks without the owner's permission? show less
PX181202040000 How many times in the last year did you more
purposely damage or destroy property that did not belong to you? show less
PX181202040100 How many times in the last year did you more
purposely damage or destroy property that did not belong to you? show less
PX181202270000 How many times in the last year have you more
embezzled money: that means used money entrusted to your care for some purpose not intended? (examples: charity collections, office accounts) show less
PX181202270100 How many times in the last year have you more
embezzled money: that means used money entrusted to your care for some purpose not intended? (examples: charity collections, office accounts) show less
PX181202480000 How many times in the last year have you more
failed to obey the courts? That is, failed to answer summons by bailiff; failed to show up for periodic detention; broke conditions of parole; failed to pay a fine; escaped or tried to escape prison or jail; o show less
PX181202480100 How many times in the last year have you more
failed to obey the courts? That is, failed to answer summons by bailiff; failed to show up for periodic detention; broke conditions of parole; failed to pay a fine; escaped or tried to escape prison or jail; o show less
PX181202460000 How many times in the last year did you more
threaten or hurt someone to get them to have sex with you? show less
PX181202460100 How many times in the last year did you more
threaten or hurt someone to get them to have sex with you? show less
PX181202250000 How many times in the last year have you more
been involved in a gang fight? show less
PX181202250100 How many times in the last year have you more
been involved in a gang fight? show less
PX181202330000 How many times in the last year did you give more
false information on a tax form, an insurance claim, or on applications for a loan or bank account? show less
PX181202330100 How many times in the last year did you give more
false information on a tax form, an insurance claim, or on applications for a loan or bank account? show less
PX181202230000 How many times in the last year have you hit more
an adult with the idea of hurting them? (Don't include partners) show less
PX181202230100 How many times in the last year have you hit more
an adult with the idea of hurting them? (Don't include partners) show less
PX181202380000 How many times in the last year did you more
Interfere with the work of the law by trying to get away from police, by hiding someone that the police were looking for, or by telling a lie to a police officer or judge? show less
PX181202380100 How many times in the last year did you more
Interfere with the work of the law by trying to get away from police, by hiding someone that the police were looking for, or by telling a lie to a police officer or judge? show less
PX181202280000 How many times in the last year have you more
lied about your age? show less
PX181202280100 How many times in the last year have you more
lied about your age? show less
PX181202030000 How many times in the last year were you more
loud, rowdy, or unruly in a public place so that people complained about it or you got into trouble? show less
PX181202030100 How many times in the last year were you more
loud, rowdy, or unruly in a public place so that people complained about it or you got into trouble? show less
PX181202360000 How many times in the last year have you more
made illegal copies of computer software or video files? show less
PX181202360100 How many times in the last year have you more
made illegal copies of computer software or video files? show less
PX181202300000 How many times in the last year have you more
made obscene telephone calls, such as calling someone and saying rude things? show less
PX181202300100 How many times in the last year have you more
made obscene telephone calls, such as calling someone and saying rude things? show less
PX181202350000 How many times in the last year did you move more
away from a flat or house without paying the final bills or rent? show less
PX181202350100 How many times in the last year did you move more
away from a flat or house without paying the final bills or rent? show less
PX181202370000 How many times in the last year did you buy more
something on credit and then never made the payments? show less
PX181202370100 How many times in the last year did you buy more
something on credit and then never made the payments? show less
PX181202450000 How many times in the last year have you more
been paid, or received other favors for having sex with someone? show less
PX181202450100 How many times in the last year have you more
been paid, or received other favors for having sex with someone? show less
PX181202440000 How many times in the last year have you more
paid someone to have sex with you? show less
PX181202440100 How many times in the last year have you more
paid someone to have sex with you? show less
PX181202050000 How many times in the last year did you more
purposely set fire to a house, building, car or other property or try to do so? show less
PX181202050100 How many times in the last year did you more
purposely set fire to a house, building, car or other property or try to do so? show less
PX181202010000 How many times in the last year did you run more
away from your home and stay away overnight? show less
PX181202010100 How many times in the last year did you run more
away from your home and stay away overnight? show less
PX181202260000 How many times in the last year have you more
committed a serious driving offense, such as driving while drunk, driving recklessly, or speeding 50 km per hour over the posted speed limit (For example, 150 km/hr [90 mph] in a 100 km/hr [60 mph] zone)? show less
PX181202260100 How many times in the last year have you more
committed a serious driving offense, such as driving while drunk, driving recklessly, or speeding 50 km per hour over the posted speed limit (For example, 150 km/hr [90 mph] in a 100 km/hr [60 mph] zone)? show less
PX181202110000 How many times in the last year have you more
taken something from a store without paying for it? (including events you have already told me about). show less
PX181202110100 How many times in the last year have you more
taken something from a store without paying for it? (including events you have already told me about). show less
PX181202120000 How many times in the last year have you more
snatched someone's purse or wallet, or picked someone's pocket? show less
PX181202120100 How many times in the last year have you more
snatched someone's purse or wallet, or picked someone's pocket? show less
PX181202410000 How many times in the last year have you more
sold hard drugs, such as heroin, cocaine or LSD? show less
PX181202410100 How many times in the last year have you more
sold hard drugs, such as heroin, cocaine or LSD? show less
PX181202400000 How many times in the last year have you more
sold marijuana or hashish? show less
PX181202400100 How many times in the last year have you more
sold marijuana or hashish? show less
PX181202160000 How many times in the last year have you more
stolen, or tried to steal, a motor vehicle such as a car or motorcycle to keep or sell? show less
PX181202160100 How many times in the last year have you more
stolen, or tried to steal, a motor vehicle such as a car or motorcycle to keep or sell? show less
PX181202090000 How many times in the last year did you more
steal, or try to steal, money or things worth between $100 and $500? show less
PX181202090100 How many times in the last year did you more
steal, or try to steal, money or things worth between $100 and $500? show less
PX181202080000 How many times in the last year did you more
steal, or try to steal, money or things worth between $5 and $100? show less
PX181202080100 How many times in the last year did you more
steal, or try to steal, money or things worth between $5 and $100? show less
PX181202070000 How many times in the last year did you more
steal, or try to steal, money or things worth $5 or less? show less
PX181202070100 How many times in the last year did you more
steal, or try to steal, money or things worth $5 or less? show less
PX181202140000 How many times in the last year have you more
knowingly bought, sold, or held stolen goods or tried to do any of these things? show less
PX181202140100 How many times in the last year have you more
knowingly bought, sold, or held stolen goods or tried to do any of these things? show less
PX181202100000 How many times in the last year did you more
steal, or try to steal, money or things worth over $500? show less
PX181202100100 How many times in the last year did you more
steal, or try to steal, money or things worth over $500? show less
PX181202240000 How many times in the last year have you more
used a weapon, force or strong arm methods to rob a person, shop, bank, or other business? show less
PX181202240100 How many times in the last year have you more
used a weapon, force or strong arm methods to rob a person, shop, bank, or other business? show less
PX181202390000 How many times in the last year have you more
driven a vehicle when you did not have a driver's license or after your license had been suspended or disqualified? show less
PX181202390100 How many times in the last year have you more
driven a vehicle when you did not have a driver's license or after your license had been suspended or disqualified? show less
PX181202130000 How many times in the last year have you more
taken something from a car that did not belong to you? show less
PX181202130100 How many times in the last year have you more
taken something from a car that did not belong to you? show less
PX181202190000 How many times in the last year have you more
tried to cheat someone by selling them something that was worthless, or not what you said it was? show less
PX181202190100 How many times in the last year have you more
tried to cheat someone by selling them something that was worthless, or not what you said it was? show less
PX181202340000 How many times in the last year did you use more
a false name or alias so you couldn't be identified? show less
PX181202340100 How many times in the last year did you use more
a false name or alias so you couldn't be identified? show less
PX181202430000 How many times in the last year have you more
used a harder drug, such as heroin, cocaine or LSD? show less
PX181202430100 How many times in the last year have you more
used a harder drug, such as heroin, cocaine or LSD? show less
PX181202420000 How many times in the last year have you more
used marijuana? show less
PX181202420100 How many times in the last year have you more
used marijuana? show less
PX181202170000 How many times in the last year have you more
used worthless checks or fake money to pay for something? show less
PX181202170100 How many times in the last year have you more
used worthless checks or fake money to pay for something? show less
Measure Name

Crime and Delinquency

Release Date

December 13, 2010


This measure is a series of questions used to assess criminal and delinquent behavior in the past year.


Information about a person’s criminal and delinquent behaviors has been used in a number of studies to assess development, and more recent studies have looked at the ways in which certain genotypes interact with childhood adversities to predict violent and antisocial behaviors. In addition, delinquent behaviors make up an important part of the criteria for conduct disorder and antisocial personality disorder diagnoses (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, American Psychiatric Association) and include drug and alcohol problems associated with the illegal use of alcohol and drugs.


Psychosocial, crime, delinquent, criminal, delinquency, behavior problems, conduct disorder, externalizing behavior

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
181201 Crime and Delinquency - Adolescent
181202 Crime and Delinquency - Adult

Petrican, R., et al. (2021) Pubertal timing and functional neurodevelopmental alterations independently mediate the effect of family conflict on adolescent psychopathology. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 2021 December; 52: 101032. doi: 10.1016/j.dcn.2021.101032