
Protocol - Weight - Self-Reported Weight

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The respondent provides his/her self-reported weight.

Specific Instructions

Measured weight is recommended, and self-reported weight should be recorded as a last resort only.* Please indicate how the weight was collected (i.e., measured vs. self-reported).

In instances where both self-reported and measured weight are collected, collect the self-reported weight before the measured weight.

When a woman is pregnant, her weight increases, and it is assumed that the information desired is her usual/nonpregnant weight. Thus, it is necessary to inquire whether a woman is pregnant, and if she is pregnant, to inquire about her weight before pregnancy as opposed to her actual/current weight.

*NOTE: Self-reported weight values are considered to be less accurate. Self-reported weight is subject to error and is used when measured weight cannot be obtained.




The PhenX Anthropometrics Working Group strongly recommends the assessment of weight using a measured protocol. Self-reported weight should be collected only as a last resort.

There are several overarching, critical issues for high-quality data collection of anthropometric measures that optimize the data in gene-environment etiologic research. These issues include: 1) the need for training (and re-training) of study staff in anthropometric data collection; 2) duplicate collection of measurements, especially under field conditions; 3) use of more than one person for proper collection of measurements where required; 4) accurate recording of the protocols and measurement units of data collection; and 5) use of required and properly calibrated equipment.

Self-Reported Weight can be used in a personal or self-administered interview.

Self-Reported Weight*

*NOTE: Self-reported weight values are considered to be less accurate. Self-reported weight is subject to error and is used when measured weight cannot be obtained.

How much {do you/does the participant} weigh without clothes or shoes? [If {you are/she is} currently pregnant, how much did {you/she} weigh before your pregnancy?]

Personnel and Training Required

The trained interviewer should be able to administer a questionnaire and be able to probe for information as necessary.

Equipment Needs


Requirement CategoryRequired
Major equipment No
Specialized training No
Specialized requirements for biospecimen collection No
Average time of greater than 15 minutes in an unaffected individual No
Mode of Administration

Self-administered questionnaire


Infant, Toddler, Child, Adolescent, Adult, Senior


All ages

Selection Rationale

Weight measurements are used to calculate body mass index, assess nutritional status, and predict morbidity and mortality. Self-reported weight was included because it gives another way to monitor obesity (as used in Centers for Disease Control and Prevention studies). Note that the self-reported weight is less accurate than a measured weight and should be used only as a backup or a last resort.


Chinese, English, Spanish

Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Self reported weight proto 62298-5 LOINC
Human Phenotype Ontology Abnormality of body weight HP:0004324 HPO
caDSR Form PhenX PX021502 - Selfreported Weight 5806033 caDSR Form
Derived Variables

Ponderal index (PI, neonates and infants), weight for length (birth to 36 months), Body Mass Index (BMI; 2 years to adults, but some references from birth) BMI

Measurement Units

Formula and Calculation

Kilograms and meters (or centimeters)

Formula: weight (kg)/[height (m)]2 With the metric system, the formula for BMI is weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared. Because height is commonly measured in centimeters, divide height in centimeters by 100 to obtain height in meters. Example: Weight = 68 kg, Height = 165 cm (1.65 m) Calculation: 68 ÷ (1.65)2 = 24.98

Pounds and inches

Formula: weight (lb) / [height (in)]2 x 703 Calculate BMI by dividing weight in pounds (lbs) by height in inches (in) squared and multiplying by a conversion factor of 703. Example: Weight = 150 lbs, Height = 5’5"" (65"") Calculation: [150 ÷ (65)2] x 703 = 24.96

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2015). Body Mass Index. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/assessing/bmi/

Process and Review

The Expert Review Panel #1 reviewed the measures in the Anthropometrics, Diabetes, Physical Activity and Physical Fitness, and Nutrition and Dietary Supplements domains.

Guidance from the ERP includes:

• Added replicate measure language

• Changed unit of measurement

Back-compatible: no changes to Data Dictionary

Previous version in Toolkit archive (link)

Protocol Name from Source

National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), Anthropometry Procedures Manual, 2007


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. (2007). National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) Anthropometry Procedures Manual. Hyattsville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Certification for the Spanish translation can be found here.

General References


Protocol ID


Export Variables
Variable Name Variable IDVariable DescriptiondbGaP Mapping
PX021502010100 How much {do you/does the participant} weigh more
without clothes or shoes? [If {you are/she is} currently pregnant, how much did {you/she} weigh before your pregnancy?] show less
PX021502010200 How much {do you/does the participant} weigh more
without clothes or shoes? [If {you are/she is} currently pregnant, how much did {you/she} weigh before your pregnancy?] show less
Measure Name


Release Date

March 27, 2009


Current Weight - Measured Current measured weight is the weight of the participant in kilograms. Current Weight - Self-Reported* Self-reported weight is the weight in kilograms or pounds as reported by the participant.

*NOTE: Self-reported weight values are considered to be less accurate and are used only when measured weight cannot be obtained.


Current weight is used to assess a child’s growth and development and an adult’s current health status. Overweight and obese status is associated with several serious comorbidities, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and obstructive sleep apnea.


Anthropometrics, body mass index, BMI, obesity, ponderal index, weight for length, NHANES

Measure Protocols
Protocol ID Protocol Name
21501 Weight - Measured Weight
21502 Weight - Self-Reported Weight

Kwok, R. K., et al. (2017) The GuLF STUDY: A Prospective Study of Persons Involved in the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Response and Clean-Up. Environ Health Perspect. 2017 April; 125(4): 570-578. doi: 10.1289/EHP715